{   The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation 2016 Annual Report   }

Executive Director's Summary

Ask most people that work at a foundation and they will typically categorize their work as exciting, fulfilling and most of all, an honor. At the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation we are privileged every day to partner with area nonprofits that respond to community needs through innovative projects, services to meet basic needs and programming with an eye to future challenges and opportunities. In addition to our grant work, we also annually provide college scholarships to students that perhaps without this assistance, may not have the means to attend school. They strive towards future goals as nurses, mechanics, business leaders and so many other vocations. In 2016 we are happy to report that 15 students that graduated from Cook County High School were awarded scholarships, new, renewal and second renewal, through the Lloyd K. Johnson Post-Secondary Scholarship. This scholarship covers full tuition, books and fees for recipients attending either Lake Superior College or Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. These scholarships are important to our work and mission and we were pleased this past year to grow our staffing capacity to assist recipients by providing additional support services. We know that it is not enough to give a student a scholarship, we also want to make sure that throughout the academic year we surround these students with support, additional assistance and encouragement.

The grantees that we are showcasing in this year’s report are just a sampling of some of the wonderful projects funded in 2016. You will read about the College of St. Scholastica working with young people on STEM skills to prepare them for future opportunities; Cook County Middle School cultivating a love of writing in middle-school students; the YMCA Outdoor Collaborative teaching disadvantaged youth the joy of being outdoors exploring nature; and the Kako Foundation, an organization established to honor a slain young man who loved music, now, through a local choir of elementary students, sharing songs of peace. Other grantees featured include Cook County Extension who established a community orchard that will bear fruit and provide teaching opportunities for years to come; Two Harbors Community Radio on the North Shore that brings voice to the community, offers intergenerational opportunities and showcases local artists; and Care Partners of Cook County that daily supports and honors elders through a variety of services including Chore Support.

From my years of working with many nonprofit organizations I know this – there are people of passion and goodwill that work every day, often with difficult funding situations and with challenging community issues because they seek to make a difference in people’s lives. We are honored to partner with all of you.

As I look back on 2016 I am grateful for my staff, the hard-working Board of the Foundation and all the nonprofits in this area that make such a positive difference in our communities. Thank you!

Joan Gardner-Goodno
Executive Director