The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation 2018 Annual Report
Scholarship Summary
New Post-Secondary Scholarships: $30,945.13
Post-Secondary Renewal Scholarships: $53,076.71
The Lloyd K. Johnson Post-Secondary Scholarship
So often scholarships are for the top-ranking students in academics, athletics, or music. The Foundation decided to take a different road. Our program seeks to make the greatest impact by helping those who need it most - whether it be barriers of financing, self-belief, academics, or otherwise.
The vast majority of our students are the first in their families to go to college. They often don't qualify for other scholarship programs and don't have access to traditional financial supports. Many students have overcome significant challenges in their personal, family, and social lives; and so many speak of their wish to be an example for others - especially their younger siblings.
Just as Mr. Johnson did, our board and staff believe that a college education can change the trajectory of a student's life, and we believe it's one of the best investments we can make. We believe in second chances and opening doors. We believe that with the right support, students can and will succeed. And because of that, we staff a dedicated support position to assist our students - addressing all the challenges this transition so often yields.
This year, the Board of the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation is proud to announce the following awardees:
Post-Secondary Scholarship Award Recipients
David Blackburn, Kya Brazell, Emery Brown, Mikey Burton, Connor Franks, Finn Garry, Joe James Santina McMillan, Andrea Naylor, Caleb Phillips, Alize' Pierre, Jasmine Smith, Nina Woerheide
Post-Secondary Renewal Scholarship Award Recipients:
Hannah Toftey, Sarah Toftey, Damian Zimmer
Post-Secondary 2nd Renewal Scholarship Award Recipients:
Bethany Derscheid, Alex Slanga
Application Process: To learn more about how to apply for scholarship funding form the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation click here.