The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation 2017 Annual Report
Grants Awarded in 2016
Arts & Culture
Cook County Grand Marais Economic Development Association
Cook County Creative Economy Collaborative - $15,000
Cook County Historical Society
Capacity Building Year 2 - $30,000
Grand Marais Art Colony
General Operating Support - $25,000
Grand Marais Playhouse
Summer Repertory Festival - $2,000
Gunflint Trail Historical Society
Watercraft Exhibit Building - $10,000
North House Folk School
Technology & Systems Manager Position- $35,000
Schroeder Area Historical Society
General Operating Support - $2,000
Birch Grove Community School
Educational Curriculum - $21,606
Cook County Higher Education
Support Services & Scholarship Support - $70,000
Cook County YMCA
Licensed Child Care Center - $10,000
Cooperation Station
Nature-Based Child Care Center - $36,000
Great Expectations School
Responsive Classroom Training- Elementary Schools - $20,000
WTIP Cook County Community Radio
Expansion of Local News Reporting - $40,000
Northwoods Volunteer Connection
Capacity Building Year 2 - $15,000
Social Welfare
North Shore Health Care Foundation
Oral Health Task Force - $10,000
Arts & Culture
Friends of Band Shell Park
Capital Campaign - $15,000
Community/Economic Development
Friends of the Finland Community
Community Orchard - $2,000
Neighbor to Neighbor
N2N Youth Center Upgrade - $10,000
Lake Superior School District ISD 381
Auditorium Seating & Accessibility Improvements - $30,000
Northland Foundation
Age to Age Development Initiative – Silver Bay - $10,000
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
“Making Waves” Capital Campaign - $50,000
Social Welfare
Just Kids Dental
Preventative Dental Services - $10,000
Lake County Development Achievement Center, Inc.
Phase 2 Building Renovations - $2,000
Two Harbors Area Food Shelf
A Better Shelf for Better Health Project - $8,000
Arts & Culture
Lyric Opera of the North
Little Opera of the North - $5,000
Community & Economic Development
Entrepreneur Fund
Be Strategic Trainings - $30,000
Lake Superior School District ISD 381
DECA Civility Summit - $2,000
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
E-Learning Project - $10,000
Conservation Corps Minnesota
Summer Youth Corps Program - $5,000
Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association
Lost Forest Program - $7,875
Social Welfare
Communication Center: State Services for the Blind
Radio Talking Book Program & Audio Services - $5,000
Girl Scouts of Minnesota
Leadership Opportunities for Girls - $10,000
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans
Homeless & Crisis Programming - $15,000
Arts & Culture
Arrowhead Chorale
New Choral Composers Project - $2,000
Duluth Playhouse, Inc.
Capacity Building & Strategic Planning - $15,000
Harbor City International School
Rose Ensemble Performance - $1,000
Lake Superior Youth Chorus, Inc.
Capacity Building - $15,000
Marshall School
Fregeau Auditorium Stage Repair - $10,000
Minnesota Ballet
Outreach Week - $8,500
Northern Expressions Art Collective
Haunted Happenings at Harrison - $300
St. Louis County Historical Society
Transcription & Traveling Exhibit - $10,000
The Kako Foundation
Kako’s Choir - $1,960
Zeitgeist Center for Arts & Community
Capacity Building - $10,000
Zeitgeist Center for Arts & Community
TED at the Teatro - $1,900
Community/Economic Development
Animal Allies Humane Society
Volunteer Program Development - $15,000
Community Action Duluth
Family Freedom School Initiative Year 2 - $10,000
Damiano of Duluth, Inc.
Clothes that Work Program - $15,000
Duluth XC Ski Club
Nordic Center - $10,000
Strategic Planning - $20,000
GND Development Alliance
Community Garden & Sport Court Construction - $25,000
One Roof Community Housing
Housing Rehabilitation Inspector Position - $25,000
Companies to Classrooms
Free Store Support - $5,000
Conflict Resolution Center
In-School Mediation Program - $10,000
Duluth Library Foundation
Downtown Library Capital Project - $10,000
Grandma’s Garden by the Lake
Raised Bed Gardening Project - $1,000
Hartley Nature Center
Part-Time Development Officer - $20,000
Lake Superior Center – Great Lakes Aquarium
River Trek Exhibit Development - $20,000
Life House, Inc.
Futures Program - $15,000
Scottish Rite Foundation
Parent Education, Coaching & Awareness - $15,000
MN Reading Corps - $25,000
American Indian Community Housing Organization
Solar Roof Project - $10,000
Friends of Sax-Zim Bog
Joint Head Naturalist Position Year 2 - $15,000
Minnesota Land Trust
St. Louis River Corridor Revitalization - $10,000
Social Welfare
Accessible Space, Inc.
Assisted Living Services at Burke Apartments - $5,000
Duluth Bethel Society, Inc.
Impact Analysis & Evaluation Report - $15,000
Duluth Superior Sailing Association
Sailing Lesson Scholarships - $2,000
Duluth YMCA
Mentor Duluth Program - $15,000
Ecumen Lakeshore
Home Delivered Meals Program - $10,000
First Witness Child Advocacy Center
Strategic Planning - $10,000
Kids Closet of Duluth
Clothing Purchases - $10,000
Lutheran Social Service
Another Door Homeless Youth Shelter - $10,000
Men as Peacemakers
Capital Project - $40,000
Succession Planning - $20,000
St. Luke’s Foundation
Capital Campaign - $15,000
YWCA Duluth
Girl Power! Program - $25,000