The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation 2019 Annual Report

Grants Awarded in 2019


Arts & Culture

Cook County Historical Society
Johnson Heritage Post Capital Improvements - $50,000

Grand Portage Reservation Tribal Council
Celebrating Minong - $2,000

Gunflint Trail Historical Society
Chik-Wauk Educational Program Expansion - $20,000

North House Folk School
Capacity Building Support - $45,000

North House Folk School
Historic Herring Skiff Community Boat Building - $2,000

WTIP Cook County Community Radio
Capital Support - $7,500

Community & Economic Development

Birch Grove Community School
Youth Hostel Project - $2,000

North Superior Ski & Run Club
Pincushion Chalet Renovation - $2,000


Boreal Community Media
Intern Technology Program - $15,000

Boreal Community Media
Student Journalist & Digital Media Internship Program - $2,000

Cook County Higher Education
Student Support Services & Scholarships - $65,000

Grand Marais Music Collaborative
Lesson Program Coordinator Position - $2,000

North Shore Health Care Foundation
Capacity Support - $25,000


Northwoods Volunteer Connection
Capacity Building - $2,000

Cook County Local Energy Project
Fall Solar Tour - $1,000

Social Welfare

Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency, Inc.
Cook County Volunteer Appreciation Fair - $500

Care Partners of Cook County
Memory Care & Mindfulness Programming - $12,000


Arts & Culture

Finland Minnesota Historical Society
Historical Site Storage Building Project - $10,000

Lake Superior Community Theatre
Junie B. Jones the Musical Production - $5,000

Two Harbors Area Arts & Events
Chalk.a.Lot. Two Harbors Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival - $2,000

Community & Economic Development

Lake Superior School District - ISD 381
Coaching Development Programming - $2,000


Lake Superior School District - ISD 381
Embroidery Education Program - $7,500


Arts & Culture

Duluth Superior Educational Television Corporation
Making It Up North Programming - $10,000

Lyric Opera of the North
School Tour of Cinderella - $5,000

Two Harbors Community Radio
Capacity Building Support - $20,000

Community & Economic Development

Entrepreneur Fund
Entrepreneur Support for the North Shore - $30,000

North Shore Area Partners
Building a Home Care Continuum - $30,000

Western Lake Superior Habitat for Humanity
Age In Place Program - $10,000


Superior Hiking Trail Association
Superior Hiking Trail Improvements - $10,000

Minnesota Environmental Partnership
North Shore Nonprofits Supporting North Shore Tribes - $10,000

Social Welfare

Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans
Comprehensive Services for Veterans - $10,000

Violence Prevention Center
Strategic Planning - $10,000


Arts & Culture

Duluth Art Institute
Art After School Program - $10,000

Armory Arts & Music Center
Music Resource Center - $8,000

Duluth Playhouse
NorShore Presenting Series - $15,000

Minnesota Ballet
Outreach Week - $8,500

Nordic Center
Beads: A Northern Tradition & Inspiration - $1,000

Proctor Public Schools - ISD 710
Secondary Choir Bluegrass Collaboration Concert - $2,000

Twin Ports Choral Project
Considering Matthew Shepard - $2,000

Zeitgeist Center for Arts & Community
Traveling Production of The Meeting - $1,250

Community & Economic Development

Fathers Rise Together
LINCC Program - $15,000

Lake Superior College
Eco Entrepreneurship Program - $25,000

Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Collective Impact & Quality of Life Neighborhoods - $20,000

One Roof Community Housing
Capacity Building - $30,500

Rise, Inc.
Job Placement & Advancement Programming - $5,000

Zeitgeist Center for Arts & Community
Capacity Building - $15,000


Animal Allies
Activity Center Building Project - $10,000

Chester Bowl Improvement Club
Capacity Support - $15,000

Duluth Community School Collaborative
Compass Program at Myers-Wilkins - $15,000

Duluth Library Foundation
Every Child Ready Duluth - $25,000

Duluth Public Schools - ISD 709
Coach Development Programming - $2,000

Girl Scouts of MN & WI Lakes & Pines
Outreach Efforts - $10,000

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory
Secondary Education Program Area - $10,000

Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association
Superior Preserved: Educating for a Stronger Local Food Culture & Commerce - $2,000

Lake Superior Youth Chorus
Capacity Support - $15,000

Lake Superior Zoological Society
Nature-Based Preschool - $10,000

Men As Peacemakers
Youth Development Program - $25,000

MN Masonic Children's Clinic for Communications Disorders
Social Communications Therapy Program - $16,410

Minnesota Reading Corps - $25,000

St. Louis County Public Health
Farm to School Garden Food Safety Training - $2,000

YWCA Duluth
Parent Education Programs - $10,000


Conservation Corps Minnesota
Summer Youth Corps Program - $5,000

Hartley Nature Center
General Operating Support - $15,000

Social Welfare

Ecumen Lakeshore
Home Delivered Meals Program - $10,000

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Northland
Expanded Good Character & Citizenship Programming - $20,000

Program Support for the Steve O'Neil Apartments - $25,000

Conflict Resolution Center
Conflict Resolution Programming at Denfeld - $10,000

Damiano Center
Community Kitchen Program - $20,000

Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs
Duluth Family Visitation Center - $10,000

Essentia Health Foundation
Support for Families of Hospitalized Children - $25,000

First Witness Child Advocacy Center
Child Abuse Prevention Council - $15,000

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Community Kitchen Capital Project - $5,000

JustUs Health
General Operating Support - $10,000

Kids Closet of Duluth
School Clothing for Duluth Students - $10,000

Life House, Inc.
The Loft: Teen Emergency Shelter - $21,500

Lincoln Park Children & Families Collaborative
Capacity Support - $10,000

Loaves & Fishes Housing, Inc.
Dorothy Day Capital Project - $20,000

Northland Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
Expansion Project - $20,000

Intercultural Guided Development Initiative - $12,000

Salvation Army
Homelessness Prevention: Rents & Utilities - $15,000